Wednesday, January 26, 2011

White iPhone 4 paint issues fixed, is it time for it to hit the market?

Apple’s white iPhone 4 has started showing  up in various carriers’ stock handling systems  recently throughout the world but it has been unclear whether it was a mistake or white iPhone really is coming soon. Actually Apple is delaying the white version until Spring 2011 due to ‘manufacturing problems’. According to sources at the time the painting of the handset with a white color was proving more difficult than Apple had hoped with producing a uniform color being the main problem.

Now though, the issue has been resolved by a small company in Japan.
According to Macotakara, the unknown company has developed a new type of paint that can be applied in a more uniform way than before. This means more uniform colors, which in turn means a happy Apple quality controller.
According to a source, specified printing white color for iPhone 4 brings poor yield and then huge number of defective products. This is the reason of disturbing to start manufacturing, a source said.
To solve this problem, a Japanese company developed miracle painting material which is able to be set thickness of painting layer.
For those who are still on a wait for White iPhone, I say what you need now is a pill of patience. With no official news from Apple we can just wait and see.

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